Posts Tagged: internet archive

2012’s coming to a close. While we were able to catch some of our favorite artists on tour (Death Grips! Willis Earl Beal!), alas, we couldn’t see them all. Today, we’re counting down the top wish-we-were-there shows of the year. And we’re making them available to you all, courtesy of the Internet Archive. Read on for…

This week we hung out with Tim Ferriss, and decided to take on traditional publishing. We brought new music from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah to your client. We caught a screening of The Bones Brigade: A Documentary (Go. See. This.), and gave back to the Relief Effort in New York. We got to hear what’s good from software…

This week, we got a visit from the Total Disruption crew (more to come, shortly, on the work we did with those fine folks) and listened to a Bob Dylan classic filtered through computer equipment. We also signed up for the free webcast of Future of Music Coalition’s Summit happening this coming Tuesday. In-depth discussions on how the…

This week, we talked to Mario Estrada about what makes for beautiful UI design, and what artists should be doing online. We welcomed decorative gourd season with this. And we’re standing with our Mo Bros. Get involved. Best weekend ever. Kick it off with three of the best free things on the Internet.

This week, we talked to An Nguyen: our favorite engineer/autocross racer/video game designer (and felt decidedly less badass by comparison). We stayed up late on Thursday night learning how to solder and got a surprise visit from legendary sound engineer Young Guru the following day. Finally, it was nice for us to see Humble Bundle raise +1.7MM for independent authors. Happy weekend….

This week was quite eventful. We attended SF MusicTech Summit where our own panelist, Matt Mason, had the quote of the day: “Data is the new hustle.” Read the entire recap, here. We also caught up with another member of our team, Yuri Cárdenas, who, as Senior Producer for Interactive Media, is responsible for making…

This week, we said “hi” to October. We took an outsider artist’s practice of gifting CDRs, and made it digital by working with Chicago artist Willis Earl Beal to create a new BitTorrent Bundle: a 5-track EP featuring music from his upcoming film Principles of a Protagonist. (Get it here.) We also introduced the world to Aaron Cohen,…