This ongoing series will help you get the most out of μTorrent, from the basics to tips and tricks. When you want entertainment on-the-go, where do you look? Probably that highly sophisticated computer in your pocket — that also happens to make phone calls. As smartphones continue to become bigger, faster, and easier to own,…
Back in June, we announced a major mobile milestone: 25 million installs. Over the course of the past five months, we’ve welcomed an unprecedented 15 million new devices into the fold.
Another day, another mobile milestone. We’re stoked that 25 million of you are now getting your torrents to go. Guess this smartphone revolution thing that people are talking about is for real. Haven’t tried our apps? They’re pretty rad. See what other users are saying. We’ve also got some good news for our current mobile…
Got a torrent you want to download, but you’re away from your home PC? Want to grab a documentary for movie night, before you check out of work? This happens to us all the time. And that’s why we made BitTorrent Remote. BitTorrent Remote is a remote control that lets you access BitTorrent on your…
You asked for it. You got it. As of today, the µTorrent for Android app has been updated to include a WiFi-only option. You can get the free download or update here.
Since launching µTorrent Web for iPhone, users have been clamoring for something similar on other devices. So, today we are very excited to announce support for the iPad and Android platform – including the Nexus One and Google Ion devices. Now you can control torrents via your web browser on a PC, iPhone, iPad and Android. In case…