Posts Tagged: µTorrent

A lot of you have been asking if there will be a native app for µTorrent on iOS and while we haven’t gotten to that just yet, we do have a way for you to easily receive the benefits of µTorrent Remote right from your iPhone or iPad. Think of it as anywhere access to µTorrent,…

What you’re looking at is a 24-hour period of BitTorrent usage worldwide. This short movie illustrates over 60 million BitTorrent client check-ins (more and more of you are joining us every day – so we’ll be able to bring you an even brighter one soon), from across the planet, for a single day in January, 2011….

What does 24 hours of people checking in on BitTorrent and µTorrent look like? See the video above – this represents client check-ins with our servers from the 60 million torrent clients we had out there in January, last year (we’re growing our user base, day by day – so we’ll be able to bring…

µTorrent v2.0 stable release

There are very few software products that can expect to have an impact that is measurable on the scale of the internet-at-large. Its probably not too much of a reach to claim that µTorrent v2.0 is one of those products; yesterday we released the first stable version of µTorrent v2.0 To be clear, this is…