Posts By: BitTorrent

Chicago native Willis Earl Beal started out as a street performer. Like most of us, he wanted to be heard. Unlike most of us, he left a trail of homemade novels, art and CD-Rs across America. And last year, his practice of gifting handmade music got him an audience; the cover of Found magazine, a feature in…

Too Legit

On September 17th, Musicmetric reported 405 million downloads during the first six months of 2012. In this same period of time, BitTorrent worked with artists to deliver 124,191,863 licensed, legal music downloads; helping emerging and established creators monetize their content through our ecosystem. Click on the image above or here to view a day’s worth of…

The Click Moment

There’s no one model for media or content anymore. Uncertainty is the norm. Random rules. It’s a scary, but awesome truth: months of strategy, projections and planning are simply not as powerful as single seconds of serendipity, luck and chaos. Author Frans Johansson calls these “click moments.” And we call it an idea we can…

Have You Seen Him

An official selection of Sundance 2012, Stacy Peralta’s Bones Brigade: An Autobiography documents skateboarding’s youth revolution. The ollies. The inverts. The airs. The insecurities. The impossible achievements. It’s the true, untold story of Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Steve Caballero, Lance Mountain, Tommy Guerrero, Mike McGill, and the moment skateboarding became skateboarding.

We’ve been obsessed with everything Counting Crows since August and Everything After. So we’re very excited to partner with the band on their latest media release: an exclusive BitTorrent Bundle of four tracks from their latest album, Underwater Sunshine (Or What We Did On Our Summer Vacation). The BitTorrent Bundle includes: Untitled (Love Song) Like Teenage Gravity…

We love science fiction here at BitTorrent! We have been really anticipating the release of L5 – a creative and compelling story taking place on a space ship and earth 200 years into the future. Read more about L5, connect with the filmmakers and download the movie on our Featured Content page here. Or download the…