Yearly Archives: 2010

Over the past few months we have worked with several indie artists to distribute their work via BitTorrent. As a company, this is something that we are passionate about, because we think there is great potential for artists to leverage the distribution economics of BitTorrent to reach a large and engaged audience to not only…

The Arrival of Apps

We’ve always strived to make the BitTorrent client simple and useful, basing our design philosophy around this core ideal. At the same time, we recognize there are many features that may enhance your experience – by choice. The solution? Apps. Available today for the first time in a new release candidate build of the BitTorrent…

If any group has embraced the possibilities and power of BitTorrent for distribution, it is the Linux community. Virtually every distribution is available via torrent download and many even ship with a BitTorrent client in the default configuration. While the BitTorrent Python code has always been available for Linux users and uTorrent runs very well…

Yesterday, we were alerted to a DLL vulnerability in Microsoft Windows reportedly affecting up to 200 consumer software applications. Subsequently, attack code targeting the μTorrent client was posted to a third-party website, and while thus far, no attacks have been reported to us, we will release a new build of our μTorrent software today. The…

For a lot of musicians the dream is to get a deal with a big record label; make an album; and then make lots of money. The reality is that most musicians will never get that big record deal. Even if they do, most traditional models follow the sort of “hit maker” model that removes the artist from…

Well. Interesting week. Google and Verizon claimed to have solved the Net Neutrality debate. But on whose behalf? True, these two iconic Internet brands deserve a seat at the table in determining the health and regulations of our global network’s backbone. Yet ultimately any compromises must be struck by the industry at large – with…

BitTorrent 7 Goes Stable

Fundamentally, BitTorrent is about creating a more efficient and open Internet. We believe that μTP, an updated BitTorrent protocol that makes efficient use of bandwidth while reducing network problems, is a critical component in continuing to drive that legacy forward. μTP is an enhanced BitTorrent transfer protocol that we introduced in our μTorrent client a…

Today we’re releasing Torrent Tweet – the latest entry into our Apps ecosystem. Torrent Tweet is a Twitter-based system for following and contributing to discussions relating to individual torrents. Tweets are indexed with an automatically generated hashtag unique to each torrent file. Find out what people are saying about torrents you are downloading and sign…

BitTorrent was recently invited by the FCC to participate in a series of public workshops on broadband measurement. The most recent workshop was held last Wednesday and brought the group up to speed on the status of the various vendors of technology and equipment to be used. This effort is similar to efforts in the UK…

Over the past several months we have been busy building Apps for µTorrent. Apps are completely optional, and are a way to give users easy access to additional services and features around media. Most recently, we announced the general availability of the Apps for BitTorrent software developer kit (SDK) as well as launched the Apps for…