BitTorrent Live Featuring DJ/Producer Jef Stott 10/21 5:00 PM PT (11:59 PM GMT)

Last Friday, we had a great time kicking the tires on our upcoming live streaming protocol with DJ/Producer Janaka Selekta from our new office studio. A big thank you to all of you who tuned in – the feedback is invaluable.

In fact it was so useful that we’ve decided to continue our scalability testing efforts by holding these live events every Friday! This week we are thrilled to announce we’ll be featuring Six Degrees Recording Artist Jef Stott (read about Jef below). Please join us and tune in at 5:00 PM Pacific (11:59 PM GMT) at

Helping us test the live protocol is easy. Simply visit, download the software client and view the live video stream. You can give feedback directly in the client and chat with other testers/fans.

Stay tuned for more artist announcements and follow us on the new BitTorrent Live Studios Facebook page. And thanks again…

About Jef Stott…

Jef has been on the forefront of world fusion music and global the global electronic music movement for over a decade. As a producer and composer, he has released many full-length albums with Stellamara, Lumin, MC RAI and Qadim as well as many remixes including Azam Ali, David Starfire, Gaudi, Cemali, Atash, among others. Jef has also recently become the Hookahdome, a premiere Burning Man soundcamp, artistic director and main DJ for events on and off the playa.

His work has been released on several major labels including Universal, EMI, Six Degrees, Hearts of Space, Triloka and City of Tribes.

We are excited to have Jef in the studio and want to recruit our fans to help us as we scale BitTorrent Live beta and fine-tune it for a wider release.

Joining the test is simple. When it is time, please go to, install the latest client and play!

For more information about Jef Stott and to preview some of his music check out his Web site and follow him in social media:

For more information about BitTorrent Live check out the Web site and Facebook:

BitTorrent Live Facebook

For booking and studio inquiries please email

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