Monthly Archives: March 2011

Over the past six months, we’ve worked with an ever-increasing stream of filmmakers and musicians to spotlight their content to our community. The goal is to experiment with different technologies, programs and platforms to help artists connect directly with you, and just as importantly help you discover great new content.  As we continue to build…

If you are interested in data caps and network congestion challenges, GigaOm graciously allowed me to share my thoughts today in a guest post (full version available here). In a nutshell, I believe data caps will do nothing to solve the congestion challenges. ISP bottlenecks almost exclusively occur at peak times. Even if your monthly…

With Apple continuing its run of new products, we thought all you Mac lovers might appreciate a round of upgrades for our µTorrent for Mac client. Today, we’re happy to deliver a new beta including many  of the features your PC-based compatriots love the most. Download the beta here, and please share feedback in our Mac forums. Key…

Did something new just appear in the forums?  Yes! We just posted the very first build of the new BitTorrent client (codename Project Chrysalis). It’s our first preview version, an alpha test build. We posted it because we’re asking for your help. Chrysalis is a major change for BitTorrent – a metamorphosis of features and…