Today, I’m happy to bring you BeamItOver, the latest project from BitTorrent Torque Labs.
This week, we helped make The 4-Hour Chef the first BitTorrent bestseller, thanks to users like you. We discussed the future of media distribution with The New York Times. We talked new business models for the music industry with TechCrunch. And we got into what it takes to build a better web with our own Patrick Williams, creator of the Torque…
If you’ve used Torque and thought either 1) cool, now I can build something awesome with the power of BitTorrent’s protocol or 2) great, now I can easily share and access torrents on the web, then you have Patrick Williams to thank for that. Our Technical Lead loves Open Source software, enjoys kicking back with…
Today we’re releasing a new prototype through BitTorrent Torque that makes it even easier for you to enjoy your favorite content. OneHash allows you to stream audio and video in the web, directly from a torrent swarm.
Today we’re releasing a new prototype through BitTorrent Torque that makes it even easier for you to enjoy your favorite content. OneHash allows you to stream audio and video in the web, directly from a torrent swarm.
There’s been a lot going on around here lately, all good though. We upgraded µTorrent to version 3.2, introduced our API to the world (in alpha format), and got some pretty impressive accolades from a band you might have heard of – Radiohead. Most importantly, we released a new DJ Shadow Bundle that will make…