Posts Tagged: palooza

Every couple of months, BitTorrent’s staff takes two days to come up with an innovative project that embraces the company’s goals — an event called the Palooza. Here’s the results of what happened this week. In a longstanding tradition at BitTorrent, the company came together for a two-day hackathon, also known as a Palooza. The…

February’s Palooza brought out new features and new ideas with a mobile slant. Every two months, we hold an internal hackathon called a Palooza. Paloozas are at the heart of BitTorrent’s bottom-up innovation. It’s where BitTorrent Sync and BitTorrent Bundle got their start. We dedicate two full days and 20% time leading up to the…

On Monday, we’ll begin another round of our bi-monthly Palooza (BitTorrent’s two day hackathon). So, we decided to take some time to reflect on the last one we had. If you’ve been keeping up with us, you already know that Palooza is the foundation to BitTorrent’s bottom-up innovation. It’s where BitTorrent Sync and BitTorrent Chat…

Meet Our Team: David Hilborn

On Thursday, we introduced you to BitTorrent Surf, a new Alpha designed to enable in-browser torrent discovery and download. Today, we’d like you to meet David Hilborn: the guy who managed the release, from whiteboard to real world. Find out more about the team’s inspiration, the journey to Alpha, and what Dave does when he’s…