Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle for Publishers In this week’s Friday Download: New music from beloved American indie band Dispatch. Dispatch is three member ensemble hailing from Boston; the group is made up of Brad Corrigan (vocals, drums, guitar, percussion, and harmonica), Pete…
Posts Tagged: dispatch
We’re about to show you a video that’ll change your mind about the speed and reliability of your Internet connection. You’ll witness engineers eating their own dog food. Sounds disgusting, right? Well, it’s not quite what you think. Dogfooding is a techie term used amongst software companies to describe how their developers demonstrate the competency…
We’re about to show you a video that’ll change your mind about the speed and reliability of your Internet connection. You’ll witness engineers eating their own dog food. Sounds disgusting, right? Well, it’s not quite what you think. Dogfooding is a techie term used amongst software companies to describe how their developers demonstrate the competency…