Version V1.1.0


  • Custom Hosts Mode – You have the option to specify a custom number of hosts, as well as the specific host IDs for file storage. The number of hosts specified must match the number of shards.
  • Contracts List Command – Added a command btfs storage contracts sync to append the contract info from Escrow into the hosts’ contract list.
  • Display Storage Disk Size – Now, calling btfs storage stats info returns the storage disk total size.

Detailed release notes:

  • Host UI Beta Version Now, users can use this intuitive Host UI to provide storage for the BTFS network and get paid by BTT. We have implemented the Host UI to BitTorrent Windows client over the world, and will gradually deploy them to a certain percentage of users. There are 2 ways to access this UI:
  • Run BTFS node in your computer, after starting the daemon, open url:
  • If you can see a “BTFS” tab in your BitTorrent Windows client, you can click the tab, and the Host UI will pop up in your default browser window (selected users only)
  • User can choose desire local storage size to host for the BTFS network
  • User can see their online/offline status, host score, uptime percentage, and how many contracts are currently committed
  • User can see the up-to-date BTT earnings and payment dates
  • User can see the current host pricing of the BTFS network
  • User can see how much storage has been used by the BTFS network and can customize the Host storage commitment
  • User can see their current node version and their node ID
  • User can contact the team of the BTFS to provide feedback, including feature requests and bugs, etc