- Wallet installation failure crashes
- Attempts to withdraw without a registered account related crashes
- Withdraw and Deposit fields are cleared every time a user leaves the Wallet dashboard
- Updated login and password creation flow
- Updated Balance widget in Speed Dashboard
- Updated the Balance behavior in the Wallet screen
- Onboarding screens show up after BitTorrent Speed relaunch if user closes the screens without skipping or finishing previously
Detailed release notes:
- Restored GPRC health check
- Fixed crashes with upgrading non-passphrase based databases
- Cleared “Withdraw BTT” and “Deposit BTT” fields when entering an amount with comma
- Show incorrect messages for entering a big amount into “Withdraw BTT” field
- Inability to submit a Withdrawal request for more than the current balance in the account
- Cannot enter letters into the “Deposit BTT” and “Withdraw BTT” fields
- Show error message for validating the input of deposit amounts in the Wallet screen
- Invalid passwords reset on re-entering password in login screen
- Consolidate database tools
- Don’t make UI calls from controller without checking for UI visibility first
- Automatically tag wallet release builds
- Move “Learn more” to left hand navigation on the Wallet screen
- Version number should propagate from one source only
- Test logging and integrate into production ledger server
- Duplicate and route duplicated traffic from live to test cluster
- Maintain ledger uptime when database passwords rotate
- Shorten closed channel archiving process
- Separate the Wallet Password Enter UI settings
- Separate the Dashboard UI settings
- Separate the Exchange UI settings
- Send failed transaction data from the Wallet to help troubleshooting
- Updated Google Analytics tracking events
- Update archiving logic to archive more records
- Make the Private ledger seed phrase compatible with TRON chain
- Add Import Wallet option to Wallet setup initial screen
- Error message is shown when a user exceeds 20 characters limit for the password
- Improve ledger-monitor performance and behavior