Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the free web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle for publishers.
In this week’s Friday Download, we have The Metahack Interviews: A collection of interviews with some of the greatest thinkers and creators of our time. Avi Solomon shares the audio and text from his discussions with the leading voices in tech, science, and art: David Eagleman (neuroscientist), Dennis Mckenna (ethnopharmacologis), Danniel Kottke (employee #12 of Apple), Seth Godin (entrepreneur and best-selling author), David Kelley (American philosopher), Tim Ferriss (our friend and The Superman of the Silicon Valley), among others. The complete interview ebook and audio from the interviews are free to enjoy. Get insights and lessons from these masters of industries by downloading The MetaHack Interviews Bundle below.